Tim Pletcher

Executive Director and CEO

Dr Pletcher leads a family of organizations that offer a comprehensive interoperability strategy, product and services portfolio that continues to transform healthcare and health information exchange regionally and across the nation. He and his teams have a growing focus on cross sector data sharing, cloud computing and linking the public and private sectors. Under his leadership these organizations now represent an annual revenue of over 50 million dollars and service the entire spectrum of healthcare stakeholders including provider, health systems, health plans, community services as well as state and local government.

Prior to leading the MiHIN constellation, Tim was founding director for the Institute for Health and Business Insight at Central Michigan University (CMU) that provided high-end data science services to Fortune 500 companies and large organizations. Before joining CMU, he was the Chief Technology Officer at a NYC based start-up corporation funded by Oracle and PSI Net that specialized in electronic commerce and customized supply chain automation.

Dr. Pletcher started his career in the University of Michigan’s College of Engineering where he built advanced data networks, and later became a senior manager at a Michigan’s premier academic medical center. This was followed by an assignment to the Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) to work with the NASA EOS-DIS project supporting a Federal Inter-Agency Working Group on Data Management for Global Change Networking Activity as well as the Centers for Disease Control, United Nations, World Bank, and World Health Organization.

Dr. Pletcher is also currently an Adjunct Research Investigator of Learning Health Sciences at the University of Michigan Medical School. He received a Doctor of Health Administration and a master’s degree in Health Administration from Central Michigan University and received his Bachelor of Science from the University of Michigan.